Environmentally Sound Energy Alternatives
Clean energy results in
Prosperity Without Pollution!
How to be fossil free by 2033
This Energy Alternative
Brings Wealth and Opportunity to Rural Communities
And Has the Quickest Implementation Because:
1. It uses existing technologies and
2. Has the least impact on existing infrastructure
Resulting in a smooth, efficient and less costly transition
A Renewable Energy Alternative
We need to expand on solar, wind and hydro and add biomass-based fuels to fill in where these are not sufficient.
The ideal biomass-based fuels are methanol and dimethyl ether (DME) derived from a high biomass yield plant like industrial hemp (not to be confused with her notorious sister) and municipal waste.
This transition can be implemented quickly because it requires no new research or technologies and has the least impact on existing infrastructures.
This alternative can be implemented globally in 10 Steps in as little as 7 years!
Reduce subsidies for fossil-fuel energy sources-starting 2021.
Implement human powered transportation and work from home alternatives wherever practical-starting 2021.
Start converting existing engines to run on non-fossil fuels-starting 2021.
Make all new engines fossil free capable-starting 2022.
– New land and marine gasoline engines should be either electric or GEM capable (Gas-Ethanol-Methanol)
– New land diesel engines should be electric or diesel/DME capable.
– New marine vessels should be powered by wind and/or diesel/methanol/DME capable.
– New airplane engines should be either electric or non-fossil-fuel capable-starting as soon as practicalProduce methanol and DME from biomass and waste.
Use industrial hemp based building and other materials for a carbon sink-already started.
Convert natural gas and coal fired power plants to run on methanol/DME – starting 2022.
Transition from centralized to decentralized power distribution.
Reduce the amount of animal-based food consumed.
Encourage a decrease in population growth – zero growth goal by 2027
The major advantages include:
Increased wealth (up to ½ $trillion annually) and employment in rural areas.
Minimal impact on existing infrastructure and minimal dependence on new technologies.
Reduction of CO2 and other pollutants in the air and oceans resulting in a positive impact on health.
Positive impact on the environment by eliminating need to drill in wilderness and other pristine and environmentally sensitive areas like oceans, the arctic and national parks.
Increased national security and reduction in military spending:
Eliminates the concentration of energy supply and refining
Decreases the need to protect transportation/shipping lanes where supplies are concentrated. (Middle east, Strait of Hormez, 5th fleet)